Built-in sitemap terms

Sitemap ontologies described here, as well as some other system and well-known ontologies, have a local copy in each LinkedDataHub instance. The URI-to-file mapping is defined as Jena's location mapping and can be found in location-mapping.n3 and prefix-mapping.n3.

Built-in templates
Ontology Template Extends Match Query Update Parameter
aplt: aplt:Document thgt:Document aplt:ForClass
aplt:GraphItem thgt:Item /graphs/{path: .+}/
aplt:NamespaceOntology thgt:Item /ns aplt:DescribeOntology
aplt:SubOntology thgt:Item /ns/{sub} aplt:DescribeOntology
aplt:SPARQLEndpoint ct:SPARQLEndpoint
aplt:GraphStore ct:GraphStore
aplt:FileContainer aplt:Container /files/
aplt:File aplt:Item /uploads/{slug}/
aplt:ImportContainer aplt:Container /imports/
aplt:ImportItem aplt:Item /imports/{slug}/ aplt:DescribeWithResponse
thgt: thgt:Document tht:Document thgt:DescribeWithTopic thgt:DeleteWithTopic
tht: tht:Document ct:Document tht:DescribeWithTopic tht:DeleteWithTopic
ngt: ngt:Document ct:Document ngt:Describe ngt:Delete
ct: ct:Document {path: .*}/ ct:Describe ct:Delete
ct:SPARQLEndpoint /sparql ct:Query
ct:GraphStore /service ct:Default

The SPARQL command strings can be looked up in the RDF documents of the respective ontologies.

Built-in parameters
Ontology Parameter Name Value type Optional Default value
aplt: aplt:ForClass forClass rdfs:Class true
aplt:Debug debug rdfs:Resource true