Dataset structure

The default RDF dataset structure used by LinkedDataHub.


Default LinkedDataHub dataset structure follows these conventions:

  1. the default graph is not used
  2. each document is stored using 2 named graphs: the content graph with the RDF properties and content that the user can update; and the meta-graph with system metadata
  3. an inverse functional relationship exists between the document and its content graph, as well as the content graph and the meta graph. That allows to locate the graph with the document description using the void:inDataset document property, which can be managed using the Graph Store Protocol in order to change the description(s) of the document or its related resources.

The default dataset is installed into an application service during the setup.

The default LDT templates in the LinkedDataHub ontology are aligned with this dataset structure. More specifically, SPARQL query and update patterns are designed to work with 2 named graphs per resource.

Default datasets

The default datasets of administration and end-user applications can be found in platform/datasets/admin.trig and platform/datasets/end-user.trig, respectively.

Custom datasets

LinkedDataHub can process any dataset structure for end-user applications. For example, it could be a public datasource such as DBPedia or Wikidata. However, you need to be aware of the following points: